- Question
Fault testing with an external connection box
- Answer
Checking your line using an external connection box:
- Remove the cable tie from the top right hand corner and the screw from the top left. Open the box and remove the yellow plug.
- You'll need to run a second line test on www.bt.com/faults or by using our automated line test system on 0800 800151 if you haven't already done this.
- If you identify a fault with the BT Network then you can log your fault online.
If you've identified a fault with your internal wiring or equipment:
- If the line never worked it is recommended you contact your housing developer before taking any further action to make sure the line has been fully connected.
- To try to identify the fault yourself try plugging each piece of equipment into the socket, one at a time, checking the line again after each device you add.
- If you find that plugging in one particular piece of equipment causes the problem to happen again, unplug it and consult its user manual or contact the manufacturer.
- If you don't find a problem with any piece of equipment reattach the face plate and try a corded phone in each extension.
- If you find a faulty extension contact BT on 0800 800150 or a local electrician to fix the problem. You'll be charged for this repair.
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13569
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