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FirmwareProducts that use software can often be upgraded with the latest firmware. Companies will often release new firmware if they discover any bugs in the current one.
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ContactTelephone numbers and email addresses for companies are often hard to find if you have lost the instruction manual. Use HomeHelpHub to quickly locate the correct number
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How do I set up my wireless network?
Before you can set up wireless, you must ensure that your router is working with a wired connection. If you haven't done this yet, please ensure that the Ethernet cable is connected from your router to your computer and follow the instructions at: How do I set up my router?
I can't connect or my connection keeps dropping
If you have no Sky Broadband connection, or if your Sky Broadband connection is intermittent and keeps disconnecting and then reconnecting, there could be a number of reasons for this. To fix the problem, select the issue you are experiencing from the options below.