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How can I cancel/change my ticket?
We know your travel circumstances can change. Depending on the type of ticket have purchased, the rules around cancelling and changing your ticket vary.
Select the type of ticket you've purchased from the list below and we'll show you the options that are available to you. -
Oyster - How can I view my Journey History?
There are different ways in which you can view/obtain your Journey History statement:
• Online
• Stations
• Telephone
Online: you need an Oyster Online account and to have purchased pay as you go credit online to view your journey history. Visit Oyster online and sign in. Then select the ‘My card’ tab and go to ‘Journey History’. If you haven’t used your Oyster online account to purchase a top-up, or have Auto-top up activated on your Oyster card, you won’t be able to see your Journey History statement online.
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