About HomeHelpHub.Com
We aim to be the number 1 place for consumers to find answers to everyday problems.
Whether you know exactly what help you want, need ideas, or want help narrowing down your search, HomeHelpHub.com makes it easy to find the answers.
At your fingertips are:
- • 1000's of Frequently Asked Questions, Video Tutorials and Forum Posts
- • Direct links to Twitter, Facebook and Blogs for the service provider or manufacturer you have a query for
- • User Guides for Mobile Phones, TV's, Games Consoles, Home Cinema and many more
- • Contact Telephone numbers in case you can't find the answer and need to call the
We think we have created a significantly more convenient and effective way for consumers to find answers and help themselves
- • It's connecting their TV to their Satellite box via their Home Cinema System.
- • Setting up their new Wireless Router to their PC, Printer, Smartphone or Games Console.
- • Solving common problems with their Electronic device or understanding their latest Utility Bill.
HomeHelpHeb thinks that consumers prefer to try and solve their problem themselves rather than call a helpdesk.
The problem is that too much information often overwhelms us and frustrated we give up and reach for the phone.
HomeHelpHub tries to reduce this information overload by applying the following rule:
A large % of problems are caused by only a small % of the total contributing factors - sometimes referred to as the 80/20 rule
What does this mean?
If a company has 1000 Frequently asked questions on their website, then 80% of the time the answer could be found from just 200 of them.
We aim to only put the 20% in HomeHelpHub.com so 80% of the time you should be able to find your answer
... and the great thing about HomeHelpHub is that regardless of product or provider you can find the answer in the same familiar way by following our step by step guide

- Step 1: Enter the House
- Step 2: Select a Room
- Step 3: Choose a Product
- Step 4: Select the Problem Category
- Step 5: Choose the Company
- Step 6: Refine by Keyword

- Step 7: Review the FAQ's
- Step 8: Review the Forums
- Step 9: Review the Video's
- Step 10: Check Social Media for notifications
- Step 11: Still Stuck? Contact the Company
We're just getting started!
As HomeHelpHub grows we'll be adding more Products and Service Providers. Who knows? We might need to move to a bigger house