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Can I connect an external Hard Disc Drive (HDD) to my TV?
32PFL8605H/12You can connect your TV to an external HDD in two ways.
Connecting an external HDD as a Mass Storage Class device:
With this connection, the HDD can be used only as a storage device. The connection needs to comply with the following requirements:
The HDD must be formatted in FAT32 or NTFS.
The HDD needs to have its own power supply, because the TV does not offer any.
The HDD needs to be connected to a USB input. -
I set up an internet connection between my TV and my router, but it does not work. How do I fix this?
Check if an IP address has been assigned to your TV by pressing > Setup > Installation > Network > View network settings > “IP address”.
If the number that is displayed on your screen =, then the internet connection between your TV and router/modem is not working.
To fix it, proceed as follows: …. -
What is the code for my sky remote to control my LG TV?
The most popular codes are 1423, 1451, 1691 & 0206.
You can use the TV Code Look Up Tool on Sky's website. The address is: http://www.sky.com/portal/site/skycom/skyhelpcentre/producthelp?nodeId=73a6e9e0-0ade-4eed-810b-cec670799bcc&articleId=2386610
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