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Motorola XOOM Wi-Fi - Wi-Fi Set Up
Motorola XOOM Wi-Fi supports WEP, WPA/WPA2 PSK
Adding from available networks
Scanning for available networks
Turning Wi-Fi on or off
To turn Wi-Fi on or off, perform the following steps:
1. From the home screen, tap Apps
2. Tap Settings.
3. Tap Wireless & networks.
4. Tap Wi-Fi to turn on or turn off Wi-Fi networks.Locating a MAC address
To locate the Wi-Fi MAC address from the phone status, perform the following steps:
1. From the home screen, tap Apps .
2. Tap Settings.
3. Scroll to and tap About tablet.
4. Tap Status.
5. Scroll to view Wi-Fi MAC address.Adding from available networks
To add from available networks, perform the following steps:
1. From the home screen, tap Apps.
2. Tap Settings.
3. Tap Wireless & networks.
4. Tap Wi-Fi settings.
5. If necessary, tap Wi-Fi to turn on and view Wi-Fi networks.
6. Scroll to and tap the Wi-Fi network to which you want to connect.
7. If security is enabled, enter the key or wireless password.
8. Tap Connect.
To add a network manually, perform the following steps:
1. From the home screen, tap Apps
2. Tap Settings.
3. Tap Wireless & networks.
4. Tap Wi-Fi settings.
5. If necessary, tap Wi-Fi to turn on and view Wi-Fi networks.
6. Scroll to and tap Add Wi-Fi network.
7. Enter the Network SSID.
8. Tap Save.
9. Tap the Security field.
10. Select one of the following options: WEP, WPA/WPA2 PSK
11. If required, enter additional security settings.
12. Tap Save.
Scanning for available networks
To scan for available networks, perform the following steps:
1. From the home screen, tap Apps .
2. Tap Settings.
3. Tap Wireless & networks.
4. Tap Wi-Fi settings.
5. If necessary, tap Wi-Fi to turn on and view Wi-Fi networks.
6. Tap the Menu key.
7. Tap Scan.
8. Scroll to and tap the Wi-Fi network to which you want to connect.
9. If security is enabled, enter the key or wireless password.
10. Tap Connect.
Deleting a saved network
To delete a Wi-Fi network, perform the following steps:
1. From the home screen, tap Apps
2. Tap Settings.
3. Tap Wireless & networks.
4. Tap Wi-Fi settings.
5. Scroll to and tap the Wi-Fi network you want to delete.
6. Tap Forget.If you are experiencing WiFi related problems, here are a few steps that may help you resolve them.
1. First step - Make sure your phone software is up-to-dateo From the home screen, touch Apps > Settings
o Scroll down to "About Tablet"
o Select "System Updates". If any update is available, please accept and wait for the installation to complete.
2. Make sure the firmware of your wireless router is up-to-date.o Please follow the link to the manufacturer of your wireless router to search for the right firmware that fits to your device
o A list of links for common wireless router manufacturers
· Apple - http://support.apple.com/downloads/#airport
· Belkin - http://en-us-support.belkin.com/app/product/list/q/routers/
· Cisco - http://homesupport.cisco.com/en-us/wireless/valet
· Dlink - http://www.dlink.com/support/products/
· Linksys - http://homesupport.cisco.com/en-us/wireless/linksys
· Netgear - http://kb.netgear.com/app/products/list/p3/164
· Trendnet - http://www.trendnet.com/downloads/category.asp?iType=24
o Note: please follow the instructions of the wireless router manufacturer. If needed, back up the router configuration before updating the software.
3. Restart your wireless router by unplugging it from the power outlet for about 30 seconds and then plugging it back
4. Enable SSID broadcasting on your wireless router (if it was disabled previously)
5. Turn off the MAC filtering feature on your wireless router
6. If you are using security, please make sure you password/passkey on both router and phone are identicalNote: We are continuously trying to improve our products and will release software updates when possible to resolve issues.
- View More: Motorola Motorola XOOM Wi-Fi - Wi-Fi Set Up
- View Answer at https://motorola-global-en-uk.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/64318/p_country_code/GB
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Wireless LAN signal unstable on Iconia Tab A500
Why does the signal strength of my Iconia Tab A500 wireless network vary?
The product sticker on the Iconia Tab A500 may cause the wireless LAN antenna to loose signal strength. As a result, the wireless network can become slow or intermittently loose connection. Remove the promotion label from the screen to resolve the issue.
- View More: Acer Wireless LAN signal unstable on Iconia Tab A500
- View Answer at http://acer--uk.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9125
Wifi stops working after Android update on the Iconia Tab A500
How can I repair my wireless connection after updating Android?
After updating Android from version 3.01 to version 3.1 on the Iconia Tab A500, the wireless network functionality may stop working. To restore the wireless functionality, you need to perform a reset of the tablet.
For further guidance, please visit our knowledge base article Clean boot of an Iconia Tab A500. - View More: Acer Wifi stops working after Android update on the Iconia Tab A500
- View Answer at http://acer--uk.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/10627
No connection to Wireless LAN on the Iconia Tab A500
Why does the Iconia Tab A500 not detect my wireless network?
Each wireless network uses a channel for the communication. When the wireless network is configured to use channel 12 or 13, the Iconia Tab A500 fails to detect it. To correct this behaviour, a patch for the Android operating system will be made available shortly.
- View More: Acer No connection to Wireless LAN on the Iconia Tab A500
- View Answer at http://acer--uk.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9116
iPad Joining and troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks
Join the network
Verify Wi-Fi is enabled and that you are connected to a Wi-Fi network.
Tap Settings > Wi-Fi. If Wi-Fi is off, turn it on by tapping the on/off icon.
Available Wi-Fi networks appears under "Choose a Network..."
Locate and tap the Wi-Fi network you want to join.
Note: If the Wi-Fi network is not displayed on iPad as an available option, it may be a "closed" or "private" network. This requires entering the name to join. See this article for more information.Verify password
Some Wi-Fi networks require a password to join. Password-protected Wi-Fi networks are indicated by the padlock icon
. If you receive an error while joining a password-protected Wi-Fi network:
- Type slowly to verify you are entering the correct password.
- If you cannot tap Join, the password is too short for that Wi-Fi network.
- If you don't know the password, check with the Wi-Fi network administrator.
Note: Some Wi-Fi access points or routers may have default passwords. Check the manufacturer's website for more information.Check connection
Check the Wi-Fi signal strength in the status bar or Wi-Fi menu. The more bars the stronger the signal
If you only have a single bar or you still cannot locate your Wi-Fi network:.
- Move closer to the Wi-Fi access point or router.
- Avoid potential sources of interference that can affect a Wi-Fi signal, such as concrete walls and microwave ovens.
Next, check your connection by using Safari to open a web page.
When using some public Wi-Fi networks, Safari may display a web page that allows you to sign in to use the service. Check this web page for additional information on signing into or subscribing to the Wi-Fi network service at that location.
See this article for more information about using public Wi-Fi networks that require a subscription.Check the Wi-Fi network
If you have a strong Wi-Fi signal, but still can't access the Internet, verify the Wi-Fi network you are using.
- Ensure you are connecting to the correct Wi-Fi network, and not another nearby Wi-Fi network.
- Check the cable connection to your Wi-Fi access point or router.
- If you can't identify your Wi-Fi network due to other networks with similar names nearby, contact the ISP or manufacturer for assistance in naming your Wi-Fi network.
Reset network settings
To reset your network settings, tap Settings > General, then tap Reset > Reset Network Settings.
When the device restarts, try to locate and join the Wi-Fi network again.
Note: This will clear your current network settings, including saved networks, Wi-Fi passwords, and VPN settings. - View More: Apple iPad Joining and troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks
- View Answer at http://www.apple.com/support/ipad/assistant/wifi/#section_1