Home / Product Selection / Tablet / Wi-Fi / Eee Pad Transformer TF101 - Why does WLAN always stays at Pending state?
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    Eee Pad Transformer TF101 - Why does WLAN always stays at Pending state?

    • Answer
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      Please do the following to reset and connect the WLAN.

      1: Choose "Network" in the Internet option, disconnect it and then delete the Connection in the "Manage". 

      2: Click "Create" to recreate the connection, choose "Local Area Network- Wireless", then Next. 

      3: Choose "Next". 

      4: Select Address Type, and then Next. 

      5: Browse Wireless Networks and then choose the one you want to use, choose the mode to be "infrastructure" and the Transfer rate to be "auto", and then Next. 

      6: Wireless Channel Settings, choose any channel. 

      7: If your AP is using the WEP or WPA encryption, you need to choose "Enable encryption" and then input the Key and Key index, choose Next. 

      8: Fill in the Name of connection, then choose Next. 

      9: You can choose the "Connect automatically at system startup" or "Start this connection when finished" if you want, and then choose Finish.

    • View Answer at http://support.asus.com/Troubleshooting/detail.aspx?SLanguage=en&p=20&m=Eee%20Pad%20Transformer%20TF101&s=16&hashedid=gHh4q7I8dvWJzhdV&os=&no=903
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