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I think my bill or statement is inaccurate, what can I do?
First, check to see whether we have estimated your consumption - this is indicated by an 'E' next to the meter reading on your bill. If your bill has been estimated, please contact us with your own meter reading so that we can update your account with your actual usage. Visit our meter reading page to send us a reading. If your account is not based on an estimated reading, or if you have any general querie
How is my monthly fixed Direct Debit worked out?
First we forecast your energy usage, then we calculate your payments. We review your Direct Debit, usually twice a year.
Forecasting your energy usage
Existing customer: we look at seasonal weather patterns and your previous energy usage, based on the meter readings that we have for your account.
New customer: we estimate your future energy usage based on seasonal weather patterns and information you give us when you join - particularly how much energy you used with your previous supplier. If this information is not available, we'll ask you some questions about your home to help us to make an accurate estimate. -
I've lost my EDF Energy Pay As You Go card or key, how can I get a new one?
We can provide a new card or key by calling our Customer Services team on 0800 015 1733 to request a replacement card.
You may be charged £7 for a new one and we can't refund any credit that was on your card or key. The credit already loaded on your meter will not be lost.
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