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What is paperless billing?
With Paperless Billing you don't get paper bills in the post - instead, you can see your gas and electricity bills and statements in a secure online account.
Paperless Billing has many benefits:
- it's easy and efficient - you can access your bill instantly online, and see old bills and statements too
- it saves paper - environmentally friendly
- View More: British Gas What is paperless billing?
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=857
One of my accounts is missing from my online account, what do I do?
Firstly, you need your Customer Reference Number for the missing account. This will be at the top of a recent bill or statement, as shown below.
- log in to your online account.
- click 'I can't see all of my accounts' in the Help and Advice panel to the right
- select the phrase 'Customer Reference Number'
- in the window that opens, enter your missing customer reference number
- select submit to return to your accounts page. You should now be able to see the missing account online
- repeat these steps for any other missing account(s)
Still having trouble? Call us on 0800 048 0505.* We're open weekdays 8am - 8pm and Saturdays 8am - 6pm.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas One of my accounts is missing from my online account, what do I do?
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=1401
I want to register for an online account
It's easy to register for an online account. All you need is your Customer Reference Number, which you can find at the top right of any bill or letter we've sent you, as shown below.
Register for an online account now.
- View More: British Gas I want to register for an online account
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=1051
I can't remember my password
If you've forgotten your password you can request a temporary password.
- enter your email address
- click continue
We'll then send you a temporary password to your registered email address. The email will contain a link to enable you to choose a new, memorable, password.
If you're still having trouble, call us on 0800 048 0505.* We're open weekdays 8am - 8pm and Saturdays 8am - 6pm.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas I can't remember my password
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=848
How do I unlock my online account?
If you've locked your online account you can request a temporary password.
- enter your email address
- click continue
We'll then send you a temporary password to your registered email address. The email will contain a link to enable you to choose a new, memorable, password.
If you're still having trouble, call us on 0800 048 0505.* We're open weekdays 8am - 8pm and Saturdays 8am - 6pm.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas How do I unlock my online account?
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=851
How do I change my email address?
It's easy to change your email address online:
- log in to your online account, this will open in a new window
- select 'manage personal details' from the left-hand side of the page
- under 'change email address', enter your new email address and then re-enter it, as shown below
- scroll down and select 'save all changes'
- next time you log in, use your new email address
- View More: British Gas How do I change my email address?
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=1004
I'm not receiving British Gas emails
If you were expecting an email from us that didn't arrive, please check your junk or spam folder. If you find the email, move it to your inbox by marking it as "safe" or "recognised".
To make sure this doesn't happen again you need to add the British Gas domain "britishgas.co.uk" to your safe or recognised senders. You can usually do this in the options menu in your email application.
If you're not sure how to do this, please ask your email service provider as the process can vary depending on who your email account is with.
- View More: British Gas I'm not receiving British Gas emails
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=1912
How does Remember my email work, when I log in?
To save time when you log in to your online account, there's the option to remember your email address for next time. This means that when you next come to access your account, your email address will automatically appear in the 'Log in' box. We do this by saving a cookie - a small text file that helps store important information - to your computer.
All you've got to do is check the box in the log in area if you'd like to remember your email address and uncheck it if you'd like to erase those details. If you're using a shared computer we recommend that you don't save your email address.
It's worth noting that for this service to work, you must enable cookies on your computer.
- View More: British Gas How does Remember my email work, when I log in?
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=1714
How to request a copy of your bill
If you manage your account online, you'll be able to view all your previous bills* online or if you want you can also download and save a copy to your computer. To view a copy of any of your bills, please log in to your online account and follow these steps:
- select your gas or electricity account, and click on 'view account'
- select 'View statement/bill', just below your latest account balance
- select the bill or statement date from the drop down menu, and select 'view'
- scroll down and select 'Download a PDF copy of your bill or statement'
- you should now be viewing a copy of your bill/statement and if you want you can save it to your computer
Alternatively, if you'd still like a copy bill sent, you can request one, using our online contact form. Please remember to include the actual date of the bill you need.
Just so you know your copy bill may take up to 10 working days to arrive.
*This includes bills or statements
- View More: British Gas How to request a copy of your bill
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=4247
I've made a payment but can't see it in my online account?
If you've recently made a payment online your account balance will reflect this immediately. Please remember your balance doesn't take into account any energy you have used since your last bill or statement.
Alternatively, you can view all your account transactions by using your account history tab.
If you've not got an online account yet you can register now and view all your transactions online.
- View More: British Gas I've made a payment but can't see it in my online account?
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=773