- Question
How to request a copy of your bill
- Answer
If you manage your account online, you'll be able to view all your previous bills* online or if you want you can also download and save a copy to your computer. To view a copy of any of your bills, please log in to your online account and follow these steps:
- select your gas or electricity account, and click on 'view account'
- select 'View statement/bill', just below your latest account balance
- select the bill or statement date from the drop down menu, and select 'view'
- scroll down and select 'Download a PDF copy of your bill or statement'
- you should now be viewing a copy of your bill/statement and if you want you can save it to your computer
Alternatively, if you'd still like a copy bill sent, you can request one, using our online contact form. Please remember to include the actual date of the bill you need.
Just so you know your copy bill may take up to 10 working days to arrive.
*This includes bills or statements
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=4247
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