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  • Topping up with British Gas if you have Internet Explorer 9

    • Solution provided by elliottrodgers.com

      The solution to topping up with British Gas if you have Internet Explorer 9 actually turned out somewhat ironically to use Firefox… I know that sounds mad but bear with me. This is how it works. Firefox can use add ons, there are thousands of these out there. Some of these are specifically designed to use Internet Explorer inside Firefox. This is how you solve the problem.

      The best add on I have found so far that does this is IE Tab Plus – you can get this by going to this web address – https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ie-tab-plus-ff-36/. Once you have installed IE Tab Plus – open up the British Gas Topup SiteBEFORE you do anything else right click on one side and you will get an option View Page in IE Tab Plus, hover over this and select Switch Rendering Engine. The little flame icon on the tab will change to an IE.

      Bear in mind that when you update Firefox some plugins may not work with the updated version. There are however a lot of “IE Tab” add ons though so you may need to swap and use a different plugin.

      Another solution to try

      If the topup wont work with IE9 you use the dev mode in IE9 and change it to IE8 or even IE7 with a simple click

      heres how :-
      - load up your IE9 like normal
      - hit F12
      - DEV CONSOLE will load at the bottom of the current page ,locate “BROWSER MODE” its the 8th tab along the to of the dev console click it and check the version of IE you wish to use

      - now you can continue on with topping up your key/gas

      when done follow steps to revert it back to IE9 an close console by the “X” top left of console 

    • View More: British Gas Topping up with British Gas if you have Internet Explorer 9
    • View Answer at http://www.elliottrodgers.com/index.php/2011/british-gas-topup-cards-and-internet-explorer/
  • I'm having problems registering for Home Energy Top Up: what shall I do?

    • If you have received a new gas card in your Home Energy Top Up pack make sure you have activated it by inserting it into your gas meter for 1 minute first then go to step 1 below.

      If you're an electricity customer, you should continue using your existing key, then:

      1. go to Home Energy Top Up
      2. plug the Home Energy Top Up connector into your computer's USB port.
      3. if your computer advises you to download some software, follow the links to the relevant website and install the software.
      4. when the download has finished, insert your gas card or electricity key into the connector.
      5. click on register on the British Gas site and enter your Customer ID (you'll find this on the letter that came with your connector).
      6. you can now top up. When you top up for the first time you may be asked to download ActiveX. Accept the application and follow the on-screen instructions

    • View More: British Gas I'm having problems registering for Home Energy Top Up: what shall I do?
    • View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=4782
  • What do I need to be able to use the Home Energy Top Up system on my computer?

  • I've forgotten my Home Energy Top Up password/username: what do I do?

  • When I plug the Home Energy Top Up connector in, my computer asks me to download some software is this right?

  • The ActiveX control has not been installed/downloaded

    • On this page:

      How to download ActiveX for gas: | How to download ActiveX for electricity:

      ActiveX lets your connectors communicate with the Home Energy Top Up website. It only needs to be installed the first time you use Home Energy Top Up (or if there has been an update).

      1. Is there still an error on the screen?
      2. Which device are you trying to use, gas or electricity?

      How to download ActiveX for gas

      The first time you try to top up using Home Energy Top Up there should be a bar at the top or end of your screen. This is advising you that windows internet explorer has blocked ActiveX. You will need to allow the download to be able to top up using Home Energy Top Up.

      If not you'll get an 'Error communicating with card The ActiveX control has not been installed' message You can resolve this by following the instructions below:

      1. Click back on your browser menu .
      2. This should take you back to the screen titled 'Top up your gas card'.
      3. You should now see the prompt bar at the top or end of the screen.
      4. Click on the prompt bar and install ActiveX
      5. Once the bar has disappeared ActiveX has been installed.
      6. Now click Submit to top up.
      7. The next page should ask you to 'choose the amount you'd like to top up'.
      8. Your ActiveX has now been installed.

      How to download ActiveX for electricity

      The first time you try to top up using Home Energy Top Up there should be a bar at the top or end of you screen. This is advising you that windows internet explorer has blocked ActiveX. You will need to allow the download to be able to top up using Home Energy Top Up.

      If not installed you'll get a 'Sorry, the ActiveX control for your Home Top-Up connector could not be downloaded' message. You can resolve this by following the instructions below:

      1. Click back on your browser menu.
      2. This should take you back to the screen titled 'Energy Top-Up'.
      3. To top-up your meter please click on the 'Top-Up' link on the left.
      4. You should now see the prompt bar at the top or end of the screen.
      5. Click on the prompt bar and install ActiveX.
      6. Once the bar has disappeared ActiveX has been installed.
      7. Now click 'Continue' to top up.

    • View More: British Gas The ActiveX control has not been installed/downloaded
    • View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=3110
  • I use Home Energy Top Up and I've got an 'error communicating with card' message

    • There could be a few reasons why an 'Error communicating with the card' message appears:

      1. ActiveX isn't installed. Find out how to install ActiveX
      2. You're using an old gas card. Make sure you're using the new card sent with your pack and it's inserted with the chip facing up. Your new card will have b1.1 on the back of the card bottom right
      3. The gas card needs to be activated. Insert your new gas card in your meter for 60 seconds.
      4. The gas card is faulty. Do you get an error message on your meter when you insert your gas card? If so, you need a replacement card, please call us on 0800 107 0188*, we're open weekdays 8am - 8pm and Saturdays 8am - 6pm.

      Checked all the above? If you still get the error message, please call us on the number above.

      *Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.

    • View More: British Gas I use Home Energy Top Up and I've got an 'error communicating with card' message
    • View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=3114
  • Is Home Energy Top Up secure?

  • My meter's been exchanged: can I still use Home Energy Top Up from home?

    • Electricity customers:

      Yes. The Home Energy Top Up website will be able to tell you've had a new meter installed, as shown below.

      When prompted by your computer, click Pair Meter.

      The website will then ask you to remove the key from the connector and to insert it into your meter for at least 60 seconds.

      Put the key back into the connector and select 'continue'. Then, just top up your meter as usual.

      Gas customers:

      You will need to call us on 0800 107 0188* as you may need to have your Home Energy Top Up account reactivated.

      Once we've reactivated your account you'll be able to top up as normal.

      *Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.

    • View More: British Gas My meter's been exchanged: can I still use Home Energy Top Up from home?
    • View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=3129
  • Can I still top up at the shop after I register for Home Energy Top Up?



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