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    Download and install Google Chrome

    • Answer
    • To install Google Chrome for your user account, follow these steps below. Want to install the browser for all user accounts on a Windows computer? You can install Google Chrome through Google Pack.

      1. Visit http://www.google.co.uk/chrome .
      2. Above the download button, verify the browser language from the drop-down menu.

        language drop-down

      3. Click Download Google Chrome. By downloading the installer file from this site, you can be sure that Google Chrome will be updated with the latest features and security fixes.

        download button

      4. Review the Terms of Service  and click Accept and Install to continue.

        terms and conditions

      5. Once the installer file has been downloaded, a "Welcome to Google Chrome" dialogue appears and prompts you to choose the search engine that you'd like to use by default in the browser.

        Choose search engine

        If you represent a search engine, you can contact the Google Chrome team at chrome-search-engines {at} google {dot} com.

      Your home page settings and browser history will be imported from your default browser automatically. A Google Chrome window opens once everything is set up. Having trouble installing or opening Google Chrome? See troubleshooting information

      Make sure that you take a look at the Getting Started Guide to learn more about using Google Chrome

    • View Answer at http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en-GB&answer=95346
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