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Forcing Internet Explorer to open full screen
Error 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' when viewing a website in Internet Explorer
General troubleshooting
This section is intended for a beginning to intermediate computer user. If these methods do not resolve your problem, you can try the methods in the "Advanced troubleshooting" section.
Note If you are using Internet Explorer 8 or Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7, follow Method 8before you try the remaining methods.Method 1: See whether you can view another Web page
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 2: Run the Network Diagnostics tool in Internet Explorer
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 3: Reset the modem or the router
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 4: Delete your Browsing History
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 5: Use Internet Explorer in No Add-ons mode
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 6: Reset Internet Explorer configuration Settings
Click here to view or hide detailed information
Click here to watch the video
If the methods in the "General troubleshooting" section did not resolve your issue, you can try to use the methods in the "Advanced troubleshooting" section. If you are not comfortable with advanced troubleshooting, you might want to ask someone for help or contact support. For information about how to contact support, please visit the following Microsoft Web site:Advanced troubleshooting
Method 1: Temporarily disable the Internet security suite or firewall
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 2: Check whether Windows assigned you an automatic IP address
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 3: Test Internet Explorer by using a safe mode startup option with networking
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 4: Check whether a third-party service is conflicting with Internet Explorer
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 5: Check whether a third-party program is conflicting with Internet Explorer
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 6: Use Device Manager to verify that the network adapter is working correctly
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 7: Run System Restore
Click here to view or hide detailed informationMethod 8: Windows 7 – Troubleshooters
Click here to view or hide detailed information - View More: IE9 Error 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' when viewing a website in Internet Explorer
- View Answer at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/956196/en-gb
Download and install Google Chrome
To install Google Chrome for your user account, follow these steps below. Want to install the browser for all user accounts on a Windows computer? You can install Google Chrome through Google Pack.
- Visit http://www.google.co.uk/chrome
- Above the download button, verify the browser language from the drop-down menu.
- Click Download Google Chrome. By downloading the installer file from this site, you can be sure that Google Chrome will be updated with the latest features and security fixes.
- Review the Terms of Service
and click Accept and Install to continue.
- Once the installer file has been downloaded, a "Welcome to Google Chrome" dialogue appears and prompts you to choose the search engine that you'd like to use by default in the browser.
If you represent a search engine, you can contact the Google Chrome team at chrome-search-engines {at} google {dot} com.
Your home page settings and browser history will be imported from your default browser automatically. A Google Chrome window opens once everything is set up. Having trouble installing or opening Google Chrome? See troubleshooting information
Make sure that you take a look at the Getting Started Guide to learn more about using Google Chrome
- Visit http://www.google.co.uk/chrome
- View More: Chrome Download and install Google Chrome
- View Answer at http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en-GB&answer=95346
Update Google Chrome
To make sure that you're protected by the latest security updates, Google Chrome updates automatically whenever it detects that a new version of the browser is available. The update process happens in the background and doesn't require any action on your part.
Check for updates
Updates are available if the spanner icon on the browser toolbar shows a little arrow
. To apply the update, just follow the steps below.
- Click the spanner icon on the browser toolbar.
- Select Update Google Chrome.
- In the confirmation dialogue that appears, click Restart. The browser saves your opened tabs and windows and reopens them automatically when it restarts. If you'd prefer not to restart right away, click Not now. The next time that you restart your browser, the update will be applied automatically.
- View More: Chrome Update Google Chrome
- View Answer at http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en-GB&answer=95414
Error 1f
You're receiving this error because the installer is trying to install the same version of Google Chrome that is currently running.
If you didn't realise that you had Google Chrome installed, look for it in Start > All Programmes > Google Chrome.
If you’d like to install Google Chrome again, take the following steps:
- Go to this download page and click Accept and Install.
- Click Save or Save File to download 'ChromeSetup.exe'.
- Make sure that no Google Chrome windows are open.
- Go to your downloads folder and open 'ChromeSetup.exe'.
- When asked if you want to run this file, click Run.
- If you see this error again, either restart your computer or hit Ctrl+Shift+Esc, select each process named ‘chrome.exe’ and hit End Process. Then repeat steps 3-5. You may want to print these instructions before restarting.
- View More: Chrome Error 1f
- View Answer at http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en-GB&answer=187190
Installation and update issues
Google Chrome errors and crashes
- Unable to find a previously installed extension or app
- "Aw, Snap!"
- "Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed".
- Software that crashes Google Chrome
- Google Chrome no longer works or closes after several seconds
- Google Chrome won't open at all
- Sync errors
- Plug-ins incompatible with Google Chrome Frame
- Out-of-date plug-ins
- "The following plug-in has crashed..."
- Report an issue
- Recover browser session after a Google Chrome crash
- Saved passwords disappeared (Linux)
- Blocked plug-ins
- "He's Dead, Jim!"
- View More: Chrome Google Chrome errors and crashes
- View Answer at http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/topic.py?hl=en-GB&topic=21605
Web page display issues
- "A script running on this page is taking a loooong time to do its job"
- Adobe PDF issues
- "Aw, Snap!"
- Developer and webmaster support
- EV-SSL indicator not displayed
- Force-close
- Graphics aren’t being shown properly
- "Oops! This link appears to be broken."
- Plug-ins incompatible with Google Chrome Frame
- Report an issue
- "Resolving proxy"
- Text not being displayed properly
- "The following plug-in has crashed..."
- "This web page is not available" (Network errors 2, 102, 104 and 105)
- Web pages load slowly or don't load at all
- Windows Media Player and Java
- YouTube videos show "Video is no longer available"
- View More: Chrome Web page display issues
- View Answer at http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/topic.py?hl=en-GB&topic=21606
Uninstall Google Chrome
You can remove Google Chrome like any other Windows programme. Follow these steps:
- Go to Start > All Programmes > Google Chrome > Uninstall Google Chrome.
- If you want to delete your user profile information, like your browser preferences, bookmarks and history, select the "Also delete browser data" checkbox.
- Select the default browser that you'd like to use.
- Click OK in the confirmation prompt.
The uninstall process will begin.
You can also use Windows's Control Panel to remove the browser. If you're having problems uninstalling the browser using these methods, try uninstalling the browser manually instead.
Did the browser come packaged with other software on your computer or via Google Pack? If so, your version of Google Chrome may be installed system-wide and you'll need to log in to a user account with administrative rights on your computer to uninstall the browser. Uninstalling a system-wide version of Google Chrome removes the browser for all user accounts on your computer.
- View More: Chrome Uninstall Google Chrome
- View Answer at http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en-GB&answer=95319
Firefox crashes
A "crash" is what happens when Firefox closes or quits unexpectedly. After a crash, you should see the Mozilla Crash Reporter appear. This article will help you fix crashes and show you how to get more help if you can't.
First, if you have one of these specific issues, follow the link to get help.
- If Firefox is open but won't respond to any of your actions, see Firefox hangs.
- If Firefox won't start at all, see Firefox will not start.
- If Firefox crashes on startup, check to see if the crash happens in safe mode (below).
- See Firefox crashes when trying to download a file if you have that specific problem.
If none of these describe your issue, follow the steps below in order.
- View More: Firefox Firefox crashes
- View Answer at http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Firefox%20crashes