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    Uninstall Google Chrome

    • Answer
    • You can remove Google Chrome like any other Windows programme. Follow these steps:

      1. Go to Start > All Programmes > Google Chrome > Uninstall Google Chrome.
      2. If you want to delete your user profile information, like your browser preferences, bookmarks and history, select the "Also delete browser data" checkbox.
      3. Select the default browser that you'd like to use.
      4. Click OK in the confirmation prompt.

      The uninstall process will begin.

      You can also use Windows's Control Panel to remove the browser. If you're having problems uninstalling the browser using these methods, try uninstalling the browser manually instead.

      Did the browser come packaged with other software on your computer or via Google Pack? If so, your version of Google Chrome may be installed system-wide and you'll need to log in to a user account with administrative rights on your computer to uninstall the browser. Uninstalling a system-wide version of Google Chrome removes the browser for all user accounts on your computer.

    • View Answer at http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en-GB&answer=95319
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