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    How to Set Up Email on Your New Dell Computer

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    • Article Summary:This article contains information on how to set up email using various email applications such as Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Mail and Yahoo, as well as resources for troubleshooting email issues.

      Table of Contents:

      1. Before You Begin
      2. Microsoft Outlook
      3. Windows Live Mail
      4. Gmail
      5. Yahoo

      Topic 1:Before You Begin
      Before setting up your mail settings, be sure that your computer is connected to your network or ISP, and that you have any specific information needed for incoming and outgoing mail servers that your ISP requires. Examples of this are:
      • Your full e-mail address.
      • The type of e-mail account: POP3, IMAP or HTTP.
      • Your user name.
      • Your password.
      • The SMTP server name or address.
      • The POP3 server name or address.
      • Is Secure Password Authentication (SPA) required?
      • The port number that is used for SMTP. (Most ISPs use port 25.)
        Is encryption (SSL is most common) required for the port?
      • The port number that is used for POP3. (Most ISPs use port 110.)
        Do you require encryption (SSL is most common) for the port?
      • Does the outgoing e-mail server (SMTP) require authentication?
        If so, do you use my normal e-mail name and password?

      Topic 2:Microsoft Outlook
      Microsoft provides detailed information on configuring Microsoft Outlook for Internet email accounts. Below is the configuration information for Outlook 2010; for other versions, refer to Microsoft's support article How to configure Internet e-mail accounts in Outlook
      1. Start Outlook.
      2. On the File menu, click Info, and then click Account Settings.
      3. Select Account Settings from the drop-down list.
      4. On the Email tab, click New, select Email Account, and then click Next.
      5. Click to select the Manually configure server settings or additional server types check box, and then click Next.
      6. Click Internet E-Mail, and then click Next.
      7. In the Add New E-mail Account dialog box, click Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP, and then click Next.
      8. Configure the new email account. You can configure the new email account automatically or manually.
        • To configure the new email account automatically, in the Add New E-mail Account dialog box under Auto Account Setup, follow these steps:
          1. In the Your Name box, type your full name.
          2. In the E-mail Address box, type your email address. 

            Your ISP provides this information. Your email address usually takes the form of a combination of your first and last name and the name of your ISP, separated by the at sign (@) and periods. 

            For example, Sachin Karnik uses an ISP that is named Contoso.com. The ISP may assign an email address of skarnik@contoso.com.
          3. In the Password box, type the password that your ISP provided.
          4. In the Retype Password box, retype the password, and then click Next to begin the Auto Account Setup process. 

            Outlook 2010 will try to automatically configure your account settings and server settings. If your account is successfully configured, the Add New E-mail Account dialog box indicates that the account was created successfully. This dialog box also indicates the type of email server to which you are successfully connected.  
          5. Click Finish, and then click Close to complete the account setup. 

            Note If automatic configuration fails, the account must be configured manually.
        • To configure the new email account manually, follow these steps in the Add New E-mail Account dialog box:
          1. Click to select the Manually configure server settings or additional server types check box, and then click Next.
          2. Click Internet E-mail, and then click Next.
          3. Under User Information, follow these steps:
            1. In the Your Name box, type your full name.
            2. In the E-mail Address box, type your full email address. 

              Your ISP provides this information. Your email address usually takes the form of a combination of your first and last name and the name of your ISP, separated by the at sign (@) and periods. 

              For example, Sachin Karnik uses an ISP that is named Contoso.com. The ISP may assign an email address of skarnik@contoso.com.

          4. In the Account Type box under Server Information, click to select the type of email account that you have.
            • If you clicked POP3 or IMAP in the Account Type box, follow these steps:
              1. In the Incoming mail server box, type the name of the server. This is the server that holds your messages before you download them to the computer. Type the server name in lowercase letters. The name may be in the form of "mail.contoso.com." Or, the name may be in the form of an IP address, such as
              2. In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, type the name of the outgoing email server. Type the server name in lowercase letters. The name may be in the form of "mail.contoso.com." Or, the name may be in the form of an IP address, such as
            • If you clicked HTTP in the Account Type box, follow these steps:
              1. In the HTTP Service Provider box, click the appropriate service provider for this account. For example, click one of the following:
                • Hotmail
                • MSN
                • Other
              2. If you clicked Other in the HTTP Service Provider box, type the URL to the mailbox in the Server URL box.
          5. Under Logon Information, follow these steps:
            1. In the User Name box, type your user name. The user name is usually the part of your email address that is to the left of the at sign (@).  
            2. In the Password box, type the password that your ISP provided.
            3. If you want Outlook to remember your email account password, click to select the Remember password check box.
          6. If your ISP requires it, click to select the Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) check box to log on by using Secure Password Authentication.
          7. Click Test Account Settings. This feature calls a dialog box that shows in a step-by-step manner each testing phase of the configuration that you entered. When you click Test Account Settings, the following process occurs:
            • The connectivity of the system to the Internet is confirmed.
            • You are logged on to the SMTP server.
            • You are logged on to the POP3 server.
            • It is determined whether the POP3 server must be logged on to first. If it is required, Outlook automatically sets the Log on to incoming mail server before sending mail option.
            • A test message is sent. This message explains any changes that Outlook made to the initial setup.
          8. To make additional changes to your email account, click More Settings to open the Internet E-mail Settings dialog box.
          9. Click Next, and then click Finish.
      For troubleshooting and additional configuration options with Microsoft Outlook 2010, refer to the Outlook 2010 Help and How-to page.

      Topic 3:Windows Live Mail
      Windows Live Mail is the replacement for Microsoft Outlook Express and Windows Mail. It is a part of the Windows Live Essentials pack, which is a free download from Microsoft's Windows Live Essentials website. To configure Windows Live Mail to send and receive email from an Internet Service Provider, perform the actions below, exerpted from Windows Live Mail: Add Accounts :
      1. In your Windows Live Mail inbox, click Accounts and then Email.
      2. Type your email address, password, and display name, and then click Next.
      3. If you want to add more accounts, click Add another email account.
         You might have to contact your email service provider to finish setting up your email account. 
      For additional resources for Windows Live Mail, including troubleshooting information, refer to the Windows Live Help Center.

      Topic 4:Google Gmail
      Information on configuring a Google Gmail account and troubleshooting email issues can be found here:
      Google Gmail Account Help

      Topic 5:Yahoo Mail
      Information on configuring a Yahoo Mail account and troubleshooting email issues can be found here:
      Yahoo Mail Help and Support

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