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    Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 encountered an error during setup.

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      Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 encountered an error during setup.

      I've finally gotten Office 2003 out of the way so that I can install 2010. Unfortunately, every time I try, this error appears.


      Helpful as ever, no extra information (not even a mere error code) is provided.


      Does anybody have any ideas as to what is going on and how I can remedy this? Please don't make my go back to 2003... it's more than a little outdated for a Windows 7 computer.

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      Thanks Ezil. I had the same problem.

      I had badly installed office 2007. then I removed manually office 2007 by following this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/928218/en-us

      Then when I was trying to install office 2010, i got the exact same error on this thread subject without giving me details.

      By following Ezil's advice, Renaming "%Programdata%\Microsoft Help" folder, it installed successfully.




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      Finally got it installed. Step-by-step guide for other users who encounter the same issue:


      1) Create a new administrator account.

      2) Log on and launch the installer.


      If things don't quite work perfectly now:


      3) If you recieve errors accessing your ProgramData folder, use the TakeOwnership registry hack to take control of the entire ProgramData folder, and if needed, create a "Microsoft Office" folder with "Microsoft Office 2010 Tools" inside it under %programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu.

      4) Your error may return at the end of the installation, but don't worry, it's finished and Office is now installed. Switch user (don't log off!) and go back to your own user. Double-check that everything works. Now, to turn off your computer, press and hold the power button for ~five seconds. This will force the computer to shut down instantly, which will close the installer with the error without giving it the opportunity to roll back its changes.


    • View Answer at http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-office_install/microsoft-office-professional-plus-2010/e4d0742b-ceb8-4796-b1c2-6e8ada415fcc
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