Home / Product Selection / PC / Internet / I cannot delete the browser history from my Explorer 8. I have tried the remedies provided and it doesn't work
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    I cannot delete the browser history from my Explorer 8. I have tried the remedies provided and it doesn't work

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      I cannot delete the browser history from my Explorer 8. I have tried the remedies provided and it doesn't work.

      I cannot delete the browser history from my new Explorer 8 Program. I am using VISTA, Business. I have tried all of the remedies in the "help" area such as going to the "safety" button and "deleting the the browsing history" and going to the "tools" button and then to Internet Options and then deleting history that way. However, nothing works. The browser history is still the same as it was. In the Explorer 7 program the two remedies explained herein worked immediately. With Exp8 they just don't. What else can I do to clear the history. It is personal and I don't want it looked at by others.
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      YUP!!!! It's the Windows Search Index, that's the culprit:

      Here's THE solution gentle folks:

      Go to Control Panel -> Control Panel Home (NOT the Classic View) -> System and Maintenance -> Indexing Options

      As you can see Internet Explorer History is automatically indexed and can NOT be removed from Windows Search Indexing (i.e. storing ALL entries).

      But, we can flush out the entries by clicking on Advanced and then Rebuild.

      Once you click on Rebuild and re-open IE8, ALL the previous pesky History entries in the address bar are GONER forever!!

      Send your donations for wasted time, yours and mine :)


    • View Answer at http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/forum/ie8-windows_vista/i-cannot-delete-the-browser-history-from-my/89f1a9c0-a526-4e99-97f4-7e88f706f8db
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