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    Some online games don’t work correctly in Internet Explorer 9

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      Some online games don’t work correctly in Internet Explorer 9

      When playing online games using Internet Explorer you may notice that the online games may not perform as expected. Playing or attempting to play online games may give the following results:


      ·         Games may fail to download

      ·         Games will not start

      ·         Games may not load completely

      ·         Some game functionality may not work

      ·         You may be dropped from a game or game website when playing a game

      ·         Your screen may go black when playing a game

      ·         Games may freeze during play


      These issues can be caused by a number of different issues; most online games are based on Silverlight, Flash or Java which do require Internet Explorer add-ons to function. In most cases, ensuring that you have the latest updates for Windows, Internet Explorer and any Internet Explorer add-ons can help resolve most issues.


      See KB article 2528246 to troubleshoot

      Troubleshoot problems playing online games using Internet Explorer



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      Some website features might not work correctly if you're using the Beta version of Windows Internet Explorer 9 or old versions of add-ons. For example, links to videos and games might not work or a webpage might not open at all.

      If a website isn't working correctly, try one or both of the following:

      ·         If you're using Internet Explorer 9 Beta, download the most recent version of the browser from theInternet Explorer 9 download page. For more information about the version of Internet Explorer that you're using, see Find out which version of Internet Explorer you're using.


      ·         Download the most recent versions of your installed add-ons. For example, if you're trying to watch a video or play an online game, you might need to update Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash, or Java.


      To troubleshoot this issue and make sure you are using the most recent versions of your installed add-ons; see Troubleshoot problems playing online games using Internet Explorer


    • View Answer at http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/forum/ie9-windows_7/some-online-games-dont-work-correctly-in-internet/a6f0f04f-7559-e011-8dfc-68b599b31bf5
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