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    0x8004010F 'Outlook data file cannot be accessed'

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      0x8004010F 'Outlook data file cannot be accessed'

      Applies To: Office | Office 2010 | Microsoft Office Outlook | Windows 7

      Can anyone help ?. I get this message when I try and send mail from Outlook included in Office 2010. I am using Windows 7 on the new laptop  and transferred my files using windows 'easy transfer'.

      Nothing sends or receives, yet the system on Vista works perfectly (even though I never liked Vista much) . I have looked for two days at various 'fixes' but they all seem to apply to Outlook 2007. I am def not a computer whizz as some of u are , but would appreciate assistance (if anyone can) to make an old guy happy. Windows 7 seemed superb, until I hit this error code......  


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      You cannot use Windows Easy Transfer with Outlook. The profile it creates is corrupt. So while you should repaire your PST file, you should also create a new Outlook profile and use a supported method to connect it to your PST file: Open the PST file in the news profile and then set it as your default.
      Russ Valentine

    • View Answer at http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-outlook/0x8004010f-outlook-data-file-cannot-be-accessed/f620fff6-feff-4d0f-a3a4-6817da885a42
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