- Question
Photo Gallery: Organize, edit, and share photos
- Answer
Windows Live Photo Gallery makes it easy to organize your photos, edit them so they look their best, and share them online. Now Photo Gallery supports many RAW formats so you can import and work with these files directly from your camera.
Organize photos and videos in Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery has tools to locate and organize the photos and videos by the information your camera adds—like the date a photo was taken—or by information you add—like tags, captions, and other information.
To search your photos and videos, select the folders you'd like to search from the navigation pane and then, on the Find tab, choose the information you want to search for.
Edit photos
Photo Gallery has editing tools to improve the appearance of your photos by changing their alignment, exposure, color settings, and more. With Photo Gallery, you can remove red eye, retouch photos, and even add creative color and tonal effects to photos.
To make automatic adjustments to a photo, double-click a photo, and then, in the Adjustments group, clickAuto adjust.Automatically edit photos with Photo Gallery.
You can also automatically edit a batch of photos. Select the photos you want to edit, and then, on the Edittab, select the adjustments you want to make from the Quick adjustments group.
For precise editing control, double-click a photo, and then, in the Adjustments group, click Fine tune. Select an adjustment and move the corresponding slider. Click Close file to automatically save your changes and return to the gallery.Use the fine-tune sliders for precise editing control.
Upload photos and videos to social networking sites
You can upload photos and videos to your favorite social networking sites like Facebook or YouTube. Select the photos and videos you want to upload. On the Home tab, in the Share group, select a publishing destination, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
To add another publishing destination to the Share gallery, click Add a plug-in, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
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