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    Powerpoint 2010 crashes when typing

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      Powerpoint 2010 crashes when typing

      Applies To: Office | Office 2010 | Microsoft Office PowerPoint | Windows 7

      Powerpoint 2010 began crashing whenever I try to add text. I will open a document, make a textbox active, and as soon as I try to enter the first character, the program crashes. It has no problems if I cut and paste text in, and all other functionality (i.e. adding shapes, deleting slides, etc...) appears to work fine. I can even delete existing test with no problems. As soon as I try to add any new character to the document using the keyboard, the program crashes. I restarted my computer and the problem did not go away. I have not installed any new software between the last time it was working and now, but there may have been some system updates.

      Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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      I recently ran into this problem and doc mck solution for changing the keyboard lay out really helped.  I'm running Windows 7 x64 on a MacBook Pro with Powerpoint 2007.  I had to go into the Control Panel > Region and Language Settings > Keyboards and Languages.  Selected "Change Keyboards" and added "English (United States) - US" to the input languages and now everything works.  I guess Microsoft no longer enjoyed the "English (United States) -  United States (Apple)" input any longer.  

      Today is the first time I had this problem, but Powerpoint 2007 had worked earlier in January without issue.


    • View Answer at http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-powerpoint/powerpoint-2010-crashes-when-typing/3ff1a764-c2bf-4767-998d-37559bab3903
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