Home / Product Selection / TV / Software Firmware / How do I get the latest software for my GT30 ,VT30, G30, ST30?
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    How do I get the latest software for my GT30 ,VT30, G30, ST30?

    • Answer
    • The latest software available for the 2011 Plasma models can be downloaded from the following links.

      To provide some clarity; updates for this set initially were released in Spain to correct local tuner reception issues. This change of software did also have an effect on the black levels in certain content and viewing mode combinations that was different from the original software.

      This software is intended for customers who wish to have the same software as the latest production sets.

      Version 1.213 for GT30B / G30B / ST30B - Download

      Version 1.520 for VT30B - Download

      Please note this software is for UK Models only.

      Please also note that this software will change the way in which the set performs. Our advice is that if you are happy with the current performance of your television, that there is no need to update the software.

      You are unable to revert back to the previous software once the set is updated.

      Instructions on how to update the set can be found on our global support site here.

    • View Answer at http://www.panasonic.co.uk/html/en_GB/Support/Ask+a+question/3580816/index.html
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