Home / Product Selection / TV / Digital Switchover / Why, since the 'Digital Switchover', has my TV picture started to break up and show a 'blocky' picture? The sound is also crackly!
- Question
Why, since the 'Digital Switchover', has my TV picture started to break up and show a 'blocky' picture? The sound is also crackly!
- Answer
- 1: You may need to retune your TV.
2: If the signal in your area has dropped after the switchover, please try a mains powered booster.
3: How old is your house Aerial? It may need updating. Please consult with an Aerial Specialist to check your current aerial system.
- View Answer at http://www.panasonic.co.uk/html/en_GB/Support/Ask+a+question/3580816/index.html
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