Home / Product Selection / TV / Digital Switchover / I have tried retuning but I am still having problems
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I have tried retuning but I am still having problems
- Answer
- Below is general troubleshooting that is known to resolve the majority of issues experienced after and during the digital switch over. If you are still experiencing a problem after trying the steps below, contact digital UK as you may need to check the services available in your area.
- If you have selected "channel update" or "add channels". Turn off these settings and do a full retune.
- Not all channells are available in all areas. To find out what channels you get in your area go to the predictave postcode checker on the digital uk website atdigital.co.uk/postcodechecker
- Switch over is in two stages, inbetween there may be times when you have low signal in your area while digital uk are working on the signal. Try retuning, and if you still experience a problem contact digital UK direclty at their website for more information.
- If your area has completed the switch over and you are not receiving any digital services or analogue signal. Please check the lost of affected equipment that will no longer be supported after the digital switchover. You can view this list at digtiluk.co.uk/troubleshooting
- If you are still having problems in your area you may need to have your arial inspected to ensure that it is pointing to your local transmitter. After the switch over your transmitter may change, contact digital UK to keep up to date with the services in your area. Http://www.digitaluk.co.uk
- View Answer at http://www.support.philips.com/pageitems/master/pages/digitalswitchover/faq/faq10.html
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