Home / Product Selection / TV / Troubleshooting / My computer stops working or reboots/restarts when I connect it to the TV with an HDMI to HDMI cable.
- Question
My computer stops working or reboots/restarts when I connect it to the TV with an HDMI to HDMI cable.
- Answer
Check your HDMI cable and cable-connection to make sure that all plugs are fitted well into their sockets and test with a different or new HDMI cable.
If the problems persist:
- Check the operating system and the graphics card of your computer system.
- Some combinations of operating systems and graphic cards have been reported to cause conflicts.
- For detailed information, please refer to the website of your PC or graphics card maker.
- View Answer at http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/dcbint/cpindex.pl?scy=GB&mid=Link_FAQs&view=aa12_view_partial.html&session=20111208100916_2.100.96.79&list=aa12_list_partial.html&slg=ENG&ctn=32PFL5522D/05&dct=FAQ&refnr=0066731&faqview=1
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