- Question
What is Call Waiting?
- Answer
Call Waiting tells you when other callers are trying to get through. You'll hear a discreet beep when someone is trying to get through to you while you’re on the phone. You can choose whether or not to take the call.
How do I check whether Call Waiting is on?
To check whether Call Waiting is on, press the star key (*) on your telephone keypad followed by the hash key (#). Enter the number 43 and finish by pressing the hash key.
Please remember: Switch off Call Waiting if you want to use a fax or modem on the same line. Call Waiting is not compatible with Internet Call Waiting.
How does Call Waiting work with BT Answer 1571?
If you have the BT Answer 1571 service and are on a call when a new incoming call arrives, an intrusion tone will advise you that a new call is waiting.
The caller will hear the Call Waiting announcement, and, if you decide not to take the new call, after 21 seconds it will be diverted to the BT Answer 1571 service.
How do I switch between callers while using Call Waiting?
While you're using Call Waiting, you'll hear a beep to let you know that you have a second caller waiting to speak to you.
To switch to your second caller, simply press the recall button on your telephone keypad. To return to your first caller, press recall again. When you've finished your call, just hang up.
Please remember: Switch off Call Waiting if you want to use a fax or modem on the same line. Call Waiting is not compatible with Internet Call Waiting.
How do I switch Call Waiting on and off?
To switch on Call Waiting, press the star key (*) on your telephone keypad followed by 43, and then the hash key (#).
To switch off Call Waiting, press the hash key, 43, and then the hash key again.
Please remember: Switch off Call Waiting if you want to use a fax or modem on the same line. Call Waiting is not compatible with Internet Call Waiting.
Calling Features user guide (PDF doc, 163 KB)
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8451/c/345,350,1084
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