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    What is Caller Display?

    • Answer
    • Caller Display shows you the number of the person calling, so you can decide whether to pick up the phone or leave it to your answering service.

      You'll need caller display compatible equipment in order to use this service. If you have Internet Call Waiting, then Caller Display will also work on your PC to show you who is calling.

      If the caller is listed in your Address Book, then Caller Display will also display the name of the person trying to contact you.

      What is Caller Display compatible equipment?

      To find equipment that is compatible with Caller Display, visit the BT Shop and enter the words 'Caller Display' into the search engine.

      I'm already paying for Caller Display. What happens when I take up BT Privacy at Home?

      You will no longer pay for Caller Display after subscribing to BT Privacy at Home, if you continue to make some calls with BT.

      If you are renting Caller Display as part of the BT Calling Features packs, any change to your rental charges will be adjusted automatically.

      You may, of course, want to replace Caller Display with another feature from the range of services available. You can do this when you sign up for BT Privacy at Home online.

      PDF logo Calling Features user guide (PDF doc, 163 KB)

    • View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8502/c/345,350,1084
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