- Question
What is a renewable contract?
- Answer
Some of our calling plans require you to sign up to a 12-month renewable contract.
This type of contract runs for a minimum period of 12 months. At the end of that time, we'll automatically renew the contract (for another 12 months) unless you tell us otherwise. We'll write to you a month before the contract is due to end and at that point you can decide whether you want to opt-out, stay on the same plan at the relevant fee, or change to a new plan.
If you want to opt-out during the minimum period or any renewable period, you have to pay an early termination charge. Similarly, if you cancel your account with BT before your contract has expired, you have to pay an early termination charge. How much you have to pay depends on how much of your 12-month contract is left.
If you move home and keep an account with BT you will take any remaining contract with you.
You can easily check which Calling Plan you are on as well as the start and end dates of your contract.
Just enter your phone number and postcode, confirm you are the account holder, and then press continue. After checking your details, we'll display your current calling plan along with the start and renewal dates. The descriptions of the different calling plans will tell you whether they work on a renewable contract.
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/10757/c/345,361,1083
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