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    Blackberry Playbook - I can't connect to a Wi-Fi network

    • Answer
    • Try one of the following actions:

      • On the status bar, tap  and verify that the switch is set to On.
      • The connection might have timed out. Try connecting again.
      • Your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet might be too far away from the wireless access point or wireless router to connect. Move your tablet closer and try connecting again.
      • Verify that you're in a Wi-Fi® coverage area. If you're connecting to a home network, see if other wireless devices are able to connect. If you're connecting to an enterprise Wi-Fi network or a hotspot, talk to your administrator or an employee at the hotspot.
      • Verify that the time on your tablet is synchronised with the network time. If the times are different, it could prevent your tablet from connecting (for example, if connecting to the network requires you to have a certificate on your tablet and the certificate has an expiration date).
      • If the Wi-Fi network doesn't appear in the list of available networks, the network might be hidden. If you know the network name, try connecting to it manually.
      • Verify that the options for the Wi-Fi network are correct. To find out what options to use, for a home network, refer to the information that came with your router; for an enterprise Wi-Fi network, talk to your administrator; for a public hotspot, refer to any information provided for the hotspot or talk to an employee at the hotspot who might have details about how to connect.
      • If you switched Wi-Fi networks manually, try switching to another Wi-Fi network.
      • If you are using the Push Button Setup method, verify that the access point uses Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ and that it has been set to send its profile. Verify that another device is not also attempting to connect at the same time, and that not more than one access point within range is in this mode. For more information, see the information that came with your router.
      • If you use PEAP, EAP-TLS, EAP-FAST or EAP-TTLS to connect to a Wi-Fi network, verify that you have installed the root certificate for the certificate authority server that created the certificate for the authentication server. The certificate must be transferred to your tablet before you can connect to the network. For more information, talk to your administrator.
      • If you use EAP-TLS to connect to a Wi-Fi network, verify that you have added your authentication certificate to your tablet. The certificate must be transferred to your tablet before you can connect to the network. For more information, talk to your administrator.
      • To view details about your tablet and the network you're connected to that might help with advanced troubleshooting, on the status bar, tap  > Wi-Fi. In the lower-left corner, tap .

    • View Answer at http://docs.blackberry.com/en/smartphone_users/deliverables/28558/Cannot_connect_to_Wi-Fi_1394951_11.jsp
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