- Question
Motorola XOOM Wi-Fi - Google Books
- Answer
Access all your ebooks wirelessly, no matter where you go. Google eBooks stores your library in the digital cloud, so you can read all of your favorite books using just about any device with an Internet connection.
With millions of books to choose from in every imaginable category, finding what you want to read on Google eBooks is easy. You can check out the New York Times best sellers list or discover up-and-coming authors. Read nearly 3 million free ebooks and hundreds of thousands of titles that are ready for purchase; with Google eBooks, you have access to the world's largest selection of ebooks and unlimited storage in the digital cloud.
To launch Google books, tap Apps > BooksTo learn more click on the links below.
- View Answer at https://motorola-global-en-uk.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/64311/p_country_code/GB
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