Home / Product Selection / Tablet / Messaging / Motorola XOOM Wi-Fi - Google Talk™
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    Motorola XOOM Wi-Fi - Google Talk™

    • Answer
    • Google Talk instant messaging lets you chat with other Google Talk users on phones or on the web.

      Signing in

      To sign in for GoogleTalk, perform the following steps:
      1.      At the Home screen, touch Apps.  
      2.      Touch Talk.
      3.      Touch the account you wish to use.  
                NOTE: Touch Add account  if you do not have a Google account.
      4.      Enter your password if prompted.

      Signing out

      To sign out of Google Talk, perform the following steps:
      1.      Touch  Sign out from the status message drop down menu

    • View Answer at https://motorola-global-en-uk.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/64279/p_country_code/GB
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