Home / Product Selection / TV / How do I / How do I change the layout of the thumbnails in Viera Cast?
- Question
How do I change the layout of the thumbnails in Viera Cast?
- Answer
- To change the layout of the thumbnails, access Viera Cast and once the main screen has opened, highlight the Set-up & Help thumbnail and press OK. Once the new options appear, highlight Customize Homescreen and press OK. You will then see a three-tier platform with all of the icons on display. To change the layout, you will have to use the circular keypad on your remote to highlight the icon you want to move. Once it is highlighted press OK and then use the circular keypad again to move to the location you want to move it to and then press OK.
- View Answer at http://www.panasonic.co.uk/html/en_GB/Support/Ask+a+question/3580816/index.html
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