Home / Product Selection / Camcorders / Playback / Can I display the date on the LCD screen during playback?
- Question
Can I display the date on the LCD screen during playback?
- Answer
Yes, you can.
When recording, the camcorder automatically records Data Code which contains date data.
To display date, select [MENU] --> [Show others] --> [PLAYBACK SET] (under the [PLAYBACK] category) --> [DATA CODE] --> [DATE/TIME] --> [OK].
Yes, you can.
When recording, the camcorder automatically records Data Code which contains Date/Time and Camera Data. To display date, select [MENU] --> [Setup] --> (Playback Settings icon) --> [Data Code] --> [Date/Time] --> [OK].
- View Answer at http://kb.sony-europe.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?St=49,E=0000000000067667941,Key=3081,SXI=11,Case=obj(124125),t=SCase,varset=startp:m
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