Home / Product Selection / Camcorders / Connect To / How can I view the movies saved on the computer or the recording medium such as an external hard disk drive using the TV?
- Question
How can I view the movies saved on the computer or the recording medium such as an external hard disk drive using the TV?
- Answer
If the movies are saved on the computer :
- Connect the camcorder to the computer, and write back the movies to the camcorder using the supplied software, PMB. Only HD movies can be written back.
- Connect the camcorder to the TV with the HDMI cable.If the movies are saved on the external recording medium :1) Connect the camcorder to the external recording medium with the optional Camcorder Cable VMC-UAM1. 2) Connect the camcorder to the TV.
- Select [Play without copying.].
Use the AC adaptor for the power supply for the camcorder.
- View Answer at http://kb.sony-europe.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?St=193,E=0000000000067651871,Key=5401,SXI=11,Case=obj(118437),t=SCase,varset=startp:m
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