- Question
I cannot save movies recorded in HD FX mode to a DVD disc.
- Answer
As the bit rate of movies recorded in [HD FX] mode is 24Mbps, you can't save them on an AVCHD disc without conversion.
The supplied software, PMB (Picture Motion Browser), enables you to save them on an AVCHD disc by automatically converting the bit rate to that of [HD FH] mode.
- The conversion of the bit rate takes time.
- You can also convert them using other software, or output them in the standard quality through the AV cable, and save them to the DVD discs.
- If you use [DISC BURN], movies recorded in [HD FX] mode are not copied to the AVCHD discs.
As the bit rate of movies recorded in [HD FX] mode is 24Mbps, you cannot save them on a DVD disc without conversion.
You can save them without conversion on a Blu-ray disc.To save them on a DVD disc, use PMB or a device such as a DVD writer, a Blu-ray disc recorder, or a DVD recorder.
The supplied software, PMB, enables you to save them as an AVCHD (HD) disc or a DVD-Video (STD) disc. When saving as an AVCHD disc, the bit rate will be converted to that of [FH] mode. When saving as an DVD-Video disc, the movies will be converted to the [STD] image quality.
Notes :
The conversion of the bit rate takes time.
Refer to the site below for details on creating discs.
If you use a DVD writer, a Blu-ray disc recorder, or a DVD recorder, the movies will be saved in the [STD] image quality.
- View Answer at http://kb.sony-europe.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?St=59,E=0000000000067652543,Key=4265,SXI=11,Case=obj(117719),t=SCase,varset=startp:m
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