Home / Product Selection / Camcorders / Connect To / I try connecting the camcorder to the Blu-ray disc player to play back movies, but the player does not work properly.
  • Question

    I try connecting the camcorder to the Blu-ray disc player to play back movies, but the player does not work properly.

    • Answer
    • When playing back PS mode movies recorded in [AVD HD 28M(PS)], a Sony blu-ray disk player may not work properly.

      * PS mode movies are not supported by the Sony blu-ray disk players. Connect the camera to a Sony blu-ray disk player after copying the PS mode movies to the computer and deleting the movie files on the camera.

      Use the supplied PMB for the backup on the computer.Also, PS mode movies can be played back by connecting the camera to the HD TV with an HDMI cable (sold separately).

      If you play back movies recorded in the PS mode, the Sony Blu-ray disc players may not work properly, as they do not support the PS mode.

      To play back other movies in the camcorder, copy the [PS] movie files to the computer* or recording media such as an external hard disk drive** and delete the [PS] movie files from the camcorder before connecting to the Blu-ray disc player.

      * To copy to the computer, use the supplied software, PMB.

      ** The optional Camcorder Cable VMC-UAM1 is necessary for connecting. Use the AC adaptor for the power supply for the camcorder.

      - If you connect the camcorder to the TV, you can play back [PS] movies as the [PS] quality.

      If you play back movies recorded in the PS mode (50p), the Sony Blu-ray disc players may not work properly, as they do not support the PS mode.

      To play back other movies in the same recording medium, copy the [PS] movie files to the computer* or recording media such as an external hard disk drive** and delete the [PS] movie files before connecting to the Blu-ray disc player.

      * To copy to the computer, use the supplied software, PMB.

      ** The optional Camcorder Cable VMC-UAM1 is necessary for connecting. Use the AC adaptor for the power supply for the camcorder.

      - If you connect the camcorder to the TV, you can play back [PS] movies as the [PS] quality.

    • View Answer at http://kb.sony-europe.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?St=224,E=0000000000067124086,Key=564,SXI=11,Case=obj(118115),t=SCase,varset=startp:m
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