Home / Product Selection / Camcorders / Recording / Is there a function to manually adjust the audio level when recording?
  • Question

    Is there a function to manually adjust the audio level when recording?

    • Answer
    • No, there is no manual adjustment function.

      However, you can select two levels in the microphone setting.

      Set it as follows.

      1. Select [MENU] [gt] [Show others].
      2. Select [AUDIO REC SET] (under the [SHOOTING SET] category).
      3. Select [MICREF LEVEL].
      4. MICREF LEVEL options are displayed.

      Select the desired option.

      • NORMAL: Records various surround sounds, converting them into the appropriate level.
      • LOW: Records surround sounds faithfully. This option is not suitable for recording conversations.

      [LOW] is recommended when you want to record exciting sound of a parade, fireworks, or concert. [NORMAL] is recommended when recording normal scenes such as conversations.

      No, there is no manual adjustment function.

      However, you can select two levels in the microphone setting.

      Please set it as follows.

      • Touch [MENU] [gt] [Show others].
      • Touch [AUDIO REC SET] under the [SHOOTING SET] category.
      • Touch [MICREF LEVEL].
      • MICREF LEVEL options are displayed.

      Select the desired option.

      • NORMAL: Records various surround sounds, converting them into the appropriate level.
      • LOW: Records surround sounds faithfully. This option is not suitable for recording conversations.

      [LOW] is recommended when you want to record exciting sound of a parade, fireworks, or concert. [NORMAL] is recommended when recording normal scenes such as conversations.

      No, there is no manual adjustment function.

      However, you can select two levels in the microphone setting.

      Set it as follows.

      1. 1. Select [MENU] --> [Camera/Mic] --> (Microphone icon) --> [Micref Level].
      2. 2. Microphone reference level options are displayed.

      Select the desired option.

      • Normal: Records various ambient sounds, converting them into the appropriate level.
      • Low: Records ambient sounds faithfully.

      This option is not suitable for recording conversations.

      • [Low] is recommended when you want to record exciting sound of a parade, fireworks, or concert.
      • [Normal] is recommended when recording normal scenes such as conversations.

    • View Answer at http://kb.sony-europe.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?St=120,E=0000000000068676466,Key=9530,SXI=11,Case=obj(128633),t=SCase,varset=startp:m
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