Home / Product Selection / Camcorders / Connect To / Some movies cannot be played back when connected to the Sony TV with the USB cable.
- Question
Some movies cannot be played back when connected to the Sony TV with the USB cable.
- Answer
Movies recorded in the PS mode (50p) may not be played back when connected to the Sony TV using the USB cable.
To play back the PS mode movies, use the supplied Component A/V Cable or the optional HDMI cable.
Movies recorded in [AVC HD 28M (PS)] may not be played back when the camera is connected to the Sony TV with the USB cable.
To play back them, use the HDMI cable DLC-HEM15/20 (sold separately) to connect the camera and the HD TV.
- View Answer at http://kb.sony-europe.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?St=224,E=0000000000067124086,Key=564,SXI=11,Case=obj(118459),t=SCase,varset=startp:m
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