- Question
The message '[The Image Database File is damaged. Do you want to create a new file?]' appears.
- Answer
This message appears when the image database files are damaged. By touching [YES], you can create new image database files to use the camcorder normally.
If this happens...
- By selecting the medium you want to repair from [MENU] --> [Show others] --> [REPAIR IMG.DB F.] (under the [MANAGE MEDIA] category), you can register previously recorded movies and photos to the new image database files again to handle them with the camcorder.
This message appears when the image database files are damaged. By selecting [YES], you can create new image database files to use the camcorder normally.
If this happens...
- You can register previously-recorded STD movies and photos to the new image database files again to handle them with the camcorder. To do so, select [MENU] --> [Show others] --> [REPAIR IMG.DB F.] (under the [MANAGE MEDIA] category) --> the medium you want to repair.
- As for the HD movies, previously-recorded data can't be handled with the camcorder even after creating new database files. However, the image files themselves are not damaged, and you can import them to the computer using supplied PMB.
This message appears when the image database files are damaged. By selecting [YES], you can create new image database files to use the camcorder normally.
You can register previously-recorded STD movies and photos to the new image database files again to handle them with the camcorder.
To do so, select [MENU] --> [Show others] --> [REPAIR IMG.DB F.] (under the [MANAGE MEDIA] category) --> the medium you want to repair.
This message appears when the image database files are damaged.
By selecting [Yes], you can create new image database files to use the camcorder normally.
If this happens...
- You can register previously-recorded STD movies and photos to the new image database files again to handle them with the camcorder. To do so, select [MENU] --> [Setup] --> (Media Settings icon) --> [Repair Img.DB F.].
- As for the HD movies, previously-recorded data cannot be handled with the camcorder even after creating new database files.
However, the image files themselves are not damaged, and you can import them to the computer using supplied PMB.
- View Answer at http://kb.sony-europe.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?St=316,E=0000000000068688560,Key=8536,SXI=11,Case=obj(130279),t=SCase,varset=startp:m
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