Home / Product Selection / Camcorders / Connect To / When using a Windows® computer, can I disconnect the USB cable right away?
  • Question

    When using a Windows® computer, can I disconnect the USB cable right away?

    • Answer
    • When you disconnect the USB cable, remove a memory card or turn off the camcorder while it is connected to the computer, operate as follows.

      Note that the stored data may be damaged if you do not follow the appropriate operation.

      1. (Left-)click the [Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media], [Safely Remove Hardware] or [Unplug or Eject Hardware] icon on the task tray (usually on the lower right corner) of the computer.
      2. When the message [Safely remove USB Mass Storage Device] or [Eject (the camera name)] appears, (left-)click it.
      3. When the message to confirm the safe removal appears, disconnect the USB cable, remove a memory card or turn off the camcorder.

    • View Answer at http://kb.sony-europe.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?St=366,E=0000000000067114696,Key=7933,SXI=11,Case=obj(118853),t=SCase,varset=startp:m
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