Home / Product Selection / Landline / Joining and Switching / Can I keep my phone number when I join TalkTalk?
  • Question

    Can I keep my phone number when I join TalkTalk?

    • Answer
    • Yes. If you already have a BT home telephone number then you will keep the same number when you move over to TalkTalk.

      The process is easy. Once you've signed up, we'll take care of all the details and make sure your telephone number moves over to TalkTalk.

      Shortly after joining TalkTalk you will receive a welcome pack and an email confirmation of your order along with other documentation as your order progresses. In these documents, you will find your go-live date(s) for your landline and broadband services (these may be the same date depending on the services available). You can start using your TalkTalk services on your go-live date.

      If you don't already have a phone line installed and don't have an existing number, you can still sign-up with TalkTalk and we'll provide you with a new line and new phone number.

      Note: Customers moving home with TalkTalk are not able to keep their phone number.

    • View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1654/p/1718%2C1720/r_id/113152
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