- Question
How do I order a Boost on My Account?
- Answer
If you wish to order any of the Boosts available for your account, you can do so online in My Account. Follow the instructions below to activate a Boost:
- Go to Manage services in My Account and login.
- The monthly charge for each boost is listed next to it. Tick the Boosts that you want to add to your account.
- Click Update.
- You will be presented with a screen displaying the changes you have just made and the new charges to your account. Click Confirm when you are sure these are the changes you want to make.
Any changes you make will be active within 2 calendar days, however in some cases this may take longer. The boost will be visible on your next bill and will include a part-month charge for the features you have selected, plus the full charge for the coming month.
If we are unable to provision the Boost from the start of the billing period, you will be charged the prorated amount. You must give 48hrs notice to remove a Boost prior to the end of the 30-day billing period that applies to your account. Notice received after the monthly cut-off time will be actioned at the end of your next billing period.
All Boosts have minimum duration of 30 days at a time. Once added, you will continue to receive the Boost until you opt-out or your contract ends.
If you have recently moved house or received a new phone line, the line will need to go live before the Boost can be activated.
You can change your Boosts via MyAccount at talktalk.co.uk/myaccount
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1381/p/1725/page/2/r_id/113152
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