Home / Product Selection / Landline / Billing / How to make a one-off credit card payment via My Account
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    How to make a one-off credit card payment via My Account

    • Answer
    • It's quick and easy to make a one-off credit card payment with My Account. It's the fastest way to pay your TalkTalk balance.

      How to make a one-off card payment

      If you don't use My Account already, first you'll need to register for My Account.

      1. Go to the one-off payment section of My Account and login
      2. Enter your credit or debit card details.
      3. If the address used in My Account is the registered address for your credit or debit card, you'll need to select Enter a different address.
      4. If you are entering a different address, and it is a UK credit or debit card, you can search for the address by entering the House name or number and Postcode, and clicking Look up. If you do this, the address will automatically be entered into the address box. If the address is not found, or if it is a non-UK card, you must manually enter the address.
      5. If you owe money, the payment amount box will automatically display the same amount as the account balance in the summary at the top of the screen. If you want to change this amount, simply enter the new amount you wish to pay.
      6. Once you are happy that all of the details are correct, click Make payment.
        Note: Once you have clicked the Make payment button, you will be asked to confirm, cancel or modify your payment. Once you click Confirm, do not refresh the page or click the back button on your browser.
        This is to prevent a duplicate payment being made.

      If the payment was processed successfully, you will see a confirmation screen where you canprint a receipt or continue to the My Account Summary screen. The successful payment will be visible on My Account the next time you sign in.

      If the payment does not go through then you will see a pop-up message explaining that the payment request failed and the payment could not be taken. It will also explain whether payment was not processed due to authentication failure, card verification failure or payment decline. If this happens, you can try another card, or Contact us.

      Note: If you use Direct Debit

      If you have Direct Debit set up with TalkTalk and you make a one-off payment online within 2 working days of the Direct Debit extraction date, the Direct Debit will be taken in addition to the one-off payment. If this applies to you, a notice will be displayed at the top of the One-off card payment screen when you follow the steps below.

    • View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1690/related/1
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