Home / Product Selection / Landline / Faults / I have no dial tone on my phone
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    I have no dial tone on my phone

    • Answer
    • Phone problems can occur for any one of several reasons, such as other equipment in your home interfering with the signal.

      If you are unable to make any outbound calls and you do not have a dial tone, there are some handy tips in our How to get a dial tone video.

      To fix the problem, please follow the steps below:

      Check your cables and connections

      Please follow all of these steps as this does fix almost all issues with making calls:

      • Check if all phones in the house have the same problem and also that none of your phones are off the hook.
      • Check that all your connections are fitted securely and none are loose.
      • If possible do not use a wireless phone, but one where the handset is connected with a cable.
      • Unplug all the phones in the house except the one that is connected to the master phone socket. Also unplug any other connections to your phone sockets, such as Sky digital or a broadband router.

      If you can get a dial tone with just one phone plugged into the master socket, it may be that another piece of equipment is faulty. Connect all of your other phones and devices one at a time and check each time that you get a dial tone. If the dial tone goes away again, unplug the last piece you plugged in as it will probably be that device or connection that is causing the issue.
      Note: If you have broadband please ensure you have a microfilter connected directly to each phone socket in your home.

      If you are using wireless handsets, check that the batteries are charged and make sure that you are close to the main base station. If possible, connect a different phone, that you know is working, directly to the master socket with nothing else connected to any other phone point in the house.

      If you still have no dial tone please contact us and we will get our engineers to check the issue and resolve any fault that there may be with your line.

    • View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1560/related/1
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