- Question
What is a master phone socket?
- Answer
The master phone socket is a white, square-shaped socket made up of two parts - one on top of the other. The bottom part is removable and has two screws on either side of it. The top part usually has a BT logo on it.
The master socket is usually found at the point where your phone line first enters your home. This is most commonly found in the hallway.
You should filter this socket using a microfilter and ensure that any other phone sockets that are in use are also filtered.
Sometimes the master phone socket already has a microfilter built into it. If this is the case, your master socket will have two ports, one for broadband and another for your telephone. If you have this type of socket you don't need to use any microfilters.
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1373/p/1725/page/3/r_id/113152
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