- Question
What package or calling plan am I on?
- Answer
You can check which package of phone and broadband services you receive from TalkTalk using My Account. To check your package, take the following steps:
- Go to My Account and sign in
- On your bill summary, scroll down to where it says New charges.
- After Advance month charges, it will show the name of your package. Your package will probably be TalkTalk Plus or TalkTalk Essentials, though it may be another package that we no longer sell.
- To learn what's included with your package, consult TalkTalk's pricing guide.
To get more value from your phone and broadband service, consider switching to one of our award winning packages, such as TalkTalk Plus or TalkTalk Essentials. Learn what packages are available
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1520/p/1725/page/2/r_id/113152
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