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Having problems logging into My O2 iPhone app?
- Answer
Some of you have told us that you have had problems logging into My O2 app, which we’re sorry about. We’ve discovered most problems seem to be occurring because some people have more than one account on o2.co.uk – one we’ve set up when you joined and one you may have set up yourself later on.
If you use the iPhone My O2 app, please note that you will have to set your mobile account as the default. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to use it.
If this has happened to you, you’ll need to use the original account we created when you joined O2.- If you joined O2 through our website, you’ll have chosen your own username and password. We’ll then have sent you an email with your username and a text with your password as a reminder.
- If you joined us by phoning one of our sales teams it’ll be the same as above except our advisor will have created the account and then emailed you the details.
- If you joined O2 when you were in an O2 or Apple store, your username will have been on your contract. We’ll then have sent a follow-up username reminder by text, along with your password sent by text once you’d connected. If you joined us in Carphone Warehouse, you’ll have received both your username and password by text.
If you have only got part of your details (either your original log-in or password) you can get a reminder of the rest by going to https://www.o2.co.uk/login/ and clicking help.
If you don't have either just go to http://www.o2.co.uk/iphonelogin - fill in the form and we’ll send you your details securely. The My O2 app is not currently available to you if you have more than three mobile phone numbers on the same bill. We are hoping to have a version of the app ready for you soon and will be back in touch. You can, however, access your account information at http://www.o2.co.uk/myo2
We’ve noticed a lot of people trying to use the app late at night and very early in the morning – we occasionally do some work on our systems which means you may have problems accessing it at these times. If you do have a problem, please give it a go later on in the day. Also remember at the moment that the My O2 app doesn’t work for our business or corporate users.
Related links: Problems loggin into iPhone app - blog
- If you joined O2 through our website, you’ll have chosen your own username and password. We’ll then have sent you an email with your username and a text with your password as a reminder.
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