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how do I make a payment
There are many different ways that you can pay your bill, as detailed below.
If you’re not paying by Direct Debit or Continuous Authority Mandate (where payments are taken on a pre-determined date), payment should be made straight away.
The length of time it takes for a payment to reach us and show on your account depends on which payment method you choose to use.
Payment method
Length of time it’ll take to appear on your Orange account
Cash or credit/debit card in an Orange Retail store
Up to 72 hours.
Payments made in a bank
5-7working days from time when payment is made.
Your Account payments
Payments are updated everyday after 6pm, if you make your payment after 6pm one day it may take until after 6pm the following day to show on your account.
Posting a cheque
5 working days from posting it.
Internet Banking
Up to 10 working days, although payments made this way sometimes do show quicker.
Automated service
Payments are updated everyday after 6pm, if you make your payment after 6pm one day it may take until after 6pm the following day to show on your account.
Credit/Debit card with a customer services agent
Payments are updated everyday after 6pm, if you make your payment after 6pm one day it may take until after 6pm the following day to show on your account.
Working days are classed as Monday to Friday only (excluding bank holidays).
When deciding how to pay your bills please remember that most payment methods incur a monthly administration charge of £3.58 for each phone on the account, but if you pay by Direct Debit then you won’t be charged this. If the charge is applicable to you then it will automatically be added to your bill each month.
To find out how to make a payment first choose a method from the list below and then click on the link for full instructions.
Direct Debit
how to pay a bill by Direct Debit
Credit/Debit Card
how to pay a bill using a credit or debit card on Your Account
how to pay a bill using a credit or debit card on the 150 / 07973 100 150 automated service
how to pay a bill using a credit or debit card with a customer services agent
how to pay a bill using a credit or debit card in an Orange Retail store
how to pay a bill using a credit or debit card in a bank
Continuous Authority Mandate (CAM)
how to pay a bill by Continuous Authority Mandate (CAM)
how to pay your bill using cash in an Orange Retail store
how to pay your bill using cash in a bank
how to pay a bill by posting a cheque
how to pay a bill by cheque in a bank
Internet Banking
- View More: Orange how do I make a payment
- View Answer at http://help.orange.co.uk/orangeuk/support/personal/487453
When do I get my first iPhone bill?
- You'll receive notification of your first bill by email approximately four working days after you activate your iPhone.
Your first bill will include one month's line rental in advance, as well as a charge for line rental and any call charges from the day the account was opened until the bill was generated. - View More: O2 When do I get my first iPhone bill?
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=276,E=0000000003207476336,K=7709,Sxi=15,T=guruCase,VARSET_COBJID=17047,Problem=Obj(17047)
- You'll receive notification of your first bill by email approximately four working days after you activate your iPhone.
How much will it cost to use my iPhone when I'm abroad?
Some of our tariffs come with International Traveller Service(ITS) which means you will enjoy discounted rates compared to our standard prices, when you make and receive calls abroad. To check if your tariff has ITS log on to MyO2 and you will be able to see what bolt ons are included within your tariff within the My Bolt On’s Summary section
View call charges International Call Service
Your inclusive data and Wi-Fi allowances only apply to usage in the UK. Downloading 1MB of data in an EU country will cost £3 and the same amount of data in a non EU country will cost £6. We will stop charging you for data abroad when your data usage reaches £40 (inc VAT) wherever you are in the world, you can then use up to 50MB without any additional charges.
We'll also send you alerts when you've spent £20 and £40; when you're nearing the 50MB limit and if you reach it. If you do reach 50MB; your data service will automatically stop, so if you want to use more you'll need to opt in to a higher spending cap (ideally before you go) by calling Customer Services.
To use your data on your iPhone abroad you will need to ensure that you have data roaming switched on, to do this you need to follow the below steps:
• Settings
• General
• Slide the Data Roaming switch across to yes
If you're abroad Wi-Fi will be subject to local charges.
Please note some of the unique features of this iPhone automatically use data services. You may wish to turn off some of these services before you travel e.g. automatic email updates. You can do this by selecting - Settings – General – Network – Data Roaming – switch button to 'Off'.
- View More: O2 How much will it cost to use my iPhone when I'm abroad?
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=90,E=0000000003207515046,K=9414,Sxi=15,T=guruCase,VARSET_COBJID=17293,Problem=Obj(17293)
Will I be charged for someone leaving me a voicemail message when I am abroad?
- If you are abroad when the call is diverted to Voicemail on no answer or busy, the caller is charged for a UK deposit call and you will be charged for a UK to roaming call and a roaming call to voicemail (this is as per 901). If the call is diverted to voicemail on unreachable, the caller is charged for a UK deposit call and you are not charged.
Note: If you do not wish to receive these charges we recommend that the Voicemail divert is disabled before leaving the UK.
To switch Voicemail divert off dial 1760. To then switch it back on when you are back in the UK dial 1750. - View More: O2 Will I be charged for someone leaving me a voicemail message when I am abroad?
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=90,E=0000000003207515046,K=9414,Sxi=15,T=guruCase,VARSET_COBJID=17293,Problem=Obj(17293)
- If you are abroad when the call is diverted to Voicemail on no answer or busy, the caller is charged for a UK deposit call and you will be charged for a UK to roaming call and a roaming call to voicemail (this is as per 901). If the call is diverted to voicemail on unreachable, the caller is charged for a UK deposit call and you are not charged.
How do I view my bill?
- Go to My O2, and enter your username and password.
We will have set up your online account when you joined O2. HIf you can't remember your details,we'll send you a reminder. - View More: O2 How do I view my bill?
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=439,E=0000000003210317107,K=9122,Sxi=8,T=P_Monthly_Lvl2,question=ref(User):str(Mobile),cmd=new,&tab=1
- Go to My O2, and enter your username and password.
Understanding your bill - interactive help guide
View our popular questions below to get more support with your online bill, including how to see an itemised bill, see what you’ve used since your last bill, check how many minutes and texts are left this month, and get a VAT invoice.
Or view our interactive help guide
- View More: O2 Understanding your bill - interactive help guide
- View Answer at http://www.selflearning.co.uk/o2/myo2billing/
I don't understand what's on my bill. Can you explain it?
- See our animated demo for more help.
- View More: O2 I don't understand what's on my bill. Can you explain it?
- View Answer at http://www.selflearning.co.uk/o2/myo2billing/
Can I see an itemised bill?
- Yes. To see yours, go to My O2 and click 'View my full bill' in the 'My bill summary' section of the page. You can print it off too.
- View More: O2 Can I see an itemised bill?
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=151,E=0000000003210529052,K=4948,Sxi=8,T=pm2,question=ref(User):str(Mobile),cmd=new,&tab=2
How can I print/download a copy of my bill?
- To download or print a copy of your bill log into ‘My O2’ and go to ‘My Bill’. Once in your online bill if you scroll down to the bottom of the bill you will see a ‘Download PDF’ option. Here you can either view or print off a copy of your bill. You will need a PDF reader which can also be downloaded from the same page.
- View More: O2 How can I print/download a copy of my bill?
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=151,E=0000000003210529052,K=4948,Sxi=8,T=pm2,question=ref(User):str(Mobile),cmd=new,&tab=2
What does 'Analyse my bill' do?
- It puts your ten most expensive calls into a pie chart. And it lists the numbers you dial least often in a table. To use it, go to My O2, and click 'My bill' on the left hand side of the page. Then click 'Analyse my bill'.
- View More: O2 What does 'Analyse my bill' do?
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=151,E=0000000003210529052,K=4948,Sxi=8,T=pm2,question=ref(User):str(Mobile),cmd=new,&tab=2