Home / Product Selection / Mobiles / Billing / How much will it cost to use my iPhone when I'm abroad?
  • Question

    How much will it cost to use my iPhone when I'm abroad?

    • Answer
    • Some of our tariffs come with International Traveller Service(ITS) which means you will enjoy discounted rates compared to our standard prices, when you make and receive calls abroad. To check if your tariff has ITS log on to MyO2 and you will be able to see what bolt ons are included within your tariff within the My Bolt On’s Summary section

      View call charges International Call Service 


      Your inclusive data and Wi-Fi allowances only apply to usage in the UK. Downloading 1MB of data in an EU country will cost £3 and the same amount of data in a non EU country will cost £6. We will stop charging you for data abroad when your data usage reaches £40 (inc VAT) wherever you are in the world, you can then use up to 50MB without any additional charges.


      We'll also send you alerts when you've spent £20 and £40; when you're nearing the 50MB limit and if you reach it. If you do reach 50MB; your data service will automatically stop, so if you want to use more you'll need to opt in to a higher spending cap (ideally before you go) by calling Customer Services.


      To use your data on your iPhone abroad you will need to ensure that you have data roaming switched on, to do this you need to follow the below steps:


      • Settings

      • General

      • Slide the Data Roaming switch across to yes


      If you're abroad Wi-Fi will be subject to local charges.


      Please note some of the unique features of this iPhone automatically use data services. You may wish to turn off some of these services before you travel e.g. automatic email updates. You can do this by selecting - Settings – General – Network – Data Roaming – switch button to 'Off'.

    • View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=90,E=0000000003207515046,K=9414,Sxi=15,T=guruCase,VARSET_COBJID=17293,Problem=Obj(17293)
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