Home / Product Selection / Mobiles / Wi-Fi / How do I set up my iPhone to use The Cloud or BT Openzone's network of hotspots?
- Question
How do I set up my iPhone to use The Cloud or BT Openzone's network of hotspots?
- Answer
- There is one time authentication process to follow when you first visit a Cloud or BT Openzone hotspot. Simply follow the steps below to complete this authentication.
1. Ensure you have a Wi-Fi connection. Check the upper left corner of the screen for the Wi-Fi symbol.
2. From the iPhone main menu page, select the 'Safari' icon which initiates a search for available Wi-Fi hotspots in your location.
3. If you are in coverage of a Cloud or BT Openzone hotspot, you will be offered 'Wi-Fi Zone - The Cloud' or Wi-Fi Zone - BT Openzone. Select the Wi-Fi provider you wish to connect through.
4. From Safari bookmarks, tap on a bookmark and depending on your selection this will take you to The Cloud or BT Openzone iPhone home page.
5. Enter your Mobile Phone Number and select 'go'
6. When Wi-Fi session is established, you will see either 'welcome to The Cloud' or 'Welome to BT Openzone' and the session counter displays the session time. You can now begin your Wi-Fi browsing session!
Once you have completed these steps, your future use of Wi-Fi via The Cloud or BT Openzone is seamless.
All you will need to do is ensure you are in a Cloud or BT Openzone hotspot and then start browsing, using You Tube or downloading a track from iTunes. It couldn't be easier.
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?New,Kb=Companion,question=ref(User):str(Mobile),CASE=18608
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